Hello friends,

My name is Kim Wohlen and I am the founder and creator of Ripple Herbals. I have been studying and practicing wellness and holistic health modalities for over 16 years. These modalities primarily include reiki, herbal pharmacology, Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy) and traditional Rishiculture Gitanada Yoga.

I believe we are multidimensional beings. We are connected to one another and nature in ways that go beyond what we can intellectually perceive. 

The birth and growth of Ripple Herbals originated from my own creative journey and exploration of Julia Cameron’s book the Artist Way. I simply asked the Universe what is to be made manifest through me. It was then a process of following a series of next indicated steps. 

The long and short of it is that I had an intense desire to work with herbs to harness the creative intelligence of nature. This also ties in with my intense study and practice of yoga and yogic philosophy as a modality for health and happiness. I believe the two  are synonymous 

The Hands-on Process

I began by crafting medicinal herbal oils for topical use and then began making salves. The first product that came to life was the best-selling Happy Healing Salve. Living in the south, this idea sprouted from the need for insect bite itch relief. Through research and trial and error, I came up with a combination of three common anti-inflammatory herbs and began the 3-week maceration (extracting) process. During this process, the constituents (medicinal properties) of the plants slowly release into the carrier oil. The carrier oil is then added to melted beeswax in a double boiler to create either a salve or balm that may be applied to the skin to bring relief. 

The feedback I’ve received so far has been wonderful! The creations are helping people alleviate common issues such as arthritic pain, skin allergies, pesky insect bite itch and stress and anxiety in a natural way. 

I look forward to see what continues to manifest through this medium.